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There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Agri is nou al vir baie jare die platform waarop ons landbouers toegang kry tot Agri SA se doen en late. Die tydskrif berig oor die jongste verwikkelinge in alle sake wat verwant is aan (en relevant is vir) landbou […]
From leadership to an electricity crisis and a weak rand, South Africa faces grave threats. Yet, this decay should never be accepted as the “new normal”. Let’s be clear and upfront; we are going downhill as a country. The rot […]
The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is currently in a Neutral state, and forecasts indicate that it will likely move into weak El Niño state during late-winter and early-spring and eventually strengthening into a strong El Niño state for the remainder […]
Agri SA is providing financial aid in a precedent-setting land claim case to protect South Africa’s food security and the sustainability of farming in the country. The board of Directors at Agri SA has decided to provide financial support to […]
Toyota SA en Agri SA se Jongboer van die Jaar-kompetisie stel Suid-Afrika al jare lank voor aan ons land se innoverende en dinamiese jongboere, en vanjaar is geen uitsondering nie. Van Noordwes tot die Wes-Kaap en Mpumalanga, ontmoet ons nuutste […]
Vinpro, die wynbedryfliggaam verteenwoordigend van byna 2 600 Suid-Afrikaanse wynprodusente, kelders en belanghebbendes in die wynbedryf, lui ’n nuwe era vir die organisasie in met die aankondig van Conrad Schutte as nuwe bestuurshoof. Schutte, voorheen die bestuurder van konsultasiediens by […]
Agri Securitas het die afgelope Mei R100 000 ontvang deur OFM se BakkieArm-fondsinsameling. Die oorhandiging is by OFM se buite-uitsaaieenheid by Nampo Park tydens GraanSA se Nampo Oesdag gedoen. Agri Securitas Trust is gestig ná die landelike veiligheidsberaad wat op […]
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